Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Class Objective: To get to know one another better and beginning learning about who Xenophanes was.

* Extended attendance
* Xenophanes Exercise
* Discussion

Xenophanes Exercise

True or false:

1) Xenophanes was active as an intellectual at the age of 92.

2) Xenophanes criticized the traditional view of the gods represented by Homer and Hesiod.

3) Xenophanes believed that if we want to know what the gods are like we can extrapolate from human characteristics.

4) Xenophanes found the idea of a hierarchy of gods and goddesses absurd.

5) Xenophanes believed there was only one true god.

6) Xenophanes thought that many of the things popularly attributed to the gods could be explained as natural processes.

7) Xenophanes believed that sense data is unquestionably reliable.

8) Xenophanes believed that critical examination was a viable source of information about the gods.